In the heart of New York City’s West Village resides a musical maestro, a true virtuoso of rhythm and melody, known as DRMAGDN. A versatile artist with an impressive portfolio of accomplishments, DRMAGDN has made his mark on the global music scene, captivating audiences with his distinctive talent as a drummer, DJ, live electronic music
DRMAGDN Beatles Remix “Something” featuring Michelle Ray DRMAGDN: Cyborg Drummer/DJ is a Live Electronic Performer, Producer & Music Director from NYC. He has played The Winter Olympics, Lollapalooza, Warped Tour, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Metlife Stadium, Bamboozle Fest, MTV’s TRL, AOL Sessions, The View, The Today Show & Royal Albert Hall. He has toured 31
Versatile Drummer / DJ DRMAGDN has just released his strongest song to date – a soaring homage/remix of The Beatles classic “Something.” After signing with BMG, DRMAGDN was given the rights to dig into George Harrison’s catalog, and he enlisted Michelle Ray (Team Blake on Season 4 of The Voice) and a cast of other