There are so many pivotal elements that go into nailing a successful show, and one of those is having likable characters. Luckily, NCIS: Origins has plenty to work with in Mike Franks.
Don’t get me wrong, because I am the unofficial leader of the “Mary Jo Fan Club,” but Mike Franks is something else.
Since the start of NCIS: Origins, many viewers have found themselves drawn to Kyle Schmid’s iteration of the NIS leader, and we can’t exactly blame them.

The character has been a staple of the franchise’s flagship series, NCIS, since its inception. So, his presence in a prequel series was heavily expected and very much appreciated.
However, there’s no way anyone could have known the amount of talent Schmid would bring to the character, let alone the unexpected, well, sex appeal.
There’s A Lot Under Mike Frank’s Rough Exterior, But You’d Have To Get Past The Chiseled Abs First

I’ll be the first to admit that there is something very attractive about the younger Mike Franks. While that partly has to do with the actor’s natural good looks, it goes far beyond that.
For one thing, Mike’s presence is felt in almost every scene, whether he is present or not. I’ve said in most of my reviews for NCIS: Origins that Mike is a big part of the heart of the show.
He cares deeply for the people in his life, whether they are personal or professional relationships. Although, with Mike, there is a big overlap between his home and work life.
How else could we have gotten a scene of Diany Rodriguez’s (The Blacklist) Vera rousing Mike from a hangover coma with nothing but his tighty-whities on? Mike’s abs did a lot of the heavy lifting after that.
His chiseled midsection, coupled with his devotion to Tish, makes for marriage material if I’ve ever seen it.
Everyone Loves A Well-Developed Character, And Mike Might Be The Most Complex Character on NCIS: Origins

Honestly, the most attractive aspect of Mike Franks is that he always seems ready to put someone else’s issues before his own – even if it puts him in an uncomfortable situation.
He may not be the best with his words, as poor Special Agent Lala Dominguez has experienced on more than one occasion. In the end, though, he always makes good with the people he cares about.
Even though Austin Stowell‘s Gibbs is the protagonist and the root of the main plot points, a lot of time it really feels like this is the “Mike Franks Show.”
Then again, it’s safe to say, at this point, that he is the most well-developed and complex character on the series so far.
Mike Franks isn’t just for the ladies either, because Mike is man’s man through and through, with the cowboy vibes and boots to boot.
Mike’s Perfectly Imperfect Personality Makes Him The Most Relatable Character On NCIS: Origins So Far

Now, I have never found “crumb catchers” particularly enticing, but damn it if that man doesn’t know how to rock a stache. They haven’t shown it yet, but I bet Mike gently brushes his mustache every night before bed.
With his grizzled demeanor that is as subtle as a shotgun, it would be so easy for the character to rub any viewer the wrong way, but it works.
That is, in no small part, due to the almost three decades that Kyle Schmid has spent in the entertainment industry. From Accused, SIX, and The Rookie, Schmid has made the television rounds.
However, none of his roles have ever put him through a transformation like the one for Mike Franks. So, what exactly does Kyle Schmid do to make Mike Franks so sexy?
First off, there are too many variables for it to be just one thing. Kyle’s good looks and talent, coupled with the established history of Mike Franks, is exactly how you craft a fan-favorite character.
He’s perfectly imperfect in the best ways. At the end of the day, despite being a caricature of a high-tempered cop, Mike Franks is the most relatable character on NCIS: Origins so far.

He sees the faults in others but easily looks past them because he is fully aware of the faults within himself.
Suffice it to say, CBS‘s NCIS: Origins knocked it out of the park when they picked Kyle Schmid for Mike Franks.
What’s been your favorite part about getting to know a younger Mike Franks?
Which parts of the character’s history are you hoping to see on NCIS: Origins?
Drop a comment below to let me know what you think, and join me again when I bring you more fun questions and opinions about NCIS: Origins!
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