Track Premiere: Viserion – “Fathers”


So, did you guys dig that track from Teloch Vovin I shared a few weeks back? If so, here’s another serving of quality black metal to chew on from Viserion, the band occupying the other half of the split. If you hear the word “Viserion” and start to think of A Song of Ice and Fire, you would be correct! The band did indeed get their name from one of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons. The band borrows from many different styles to craft their sound, but to my ear they sound like the atmospheric feel of Agalloch and Panopticon infused with the punch and production of bands like Naglfar and Dark Funeral.

Here’s how the band describes the track streaming below:

“”Fathers” is among the first songs written with our new lineup. This track is more of a journey than our past releases showcasing both melodic layers and lyrical complexity. The lyrics, written by Tasso and Janan from the band Protagony, tell the tale of the centurion who bore the spear that killed Jesus. We are proud to announce “Fathers” as it showcases the first of many steps forward in Viserion’s progression and growth.”

The band, along with their comrades in Teloch Vovin, have made a promising contribution to black metal with The Iron Age of Kali Yuga. The release stands on its own as an exciting and powerful statement of metallic drama, but also as a sign of excellently dark times to come. Enjoy “Fathers” and look out for the split album on CD and digital on July 28. Oh! And for those of you in the greater NYC area, Duff’s will be hosting a CD release party on that day. So if you’re looking for a good time with good tunes, hop on the L train and get over there!

Originally Posted Here

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