The DCEU has had plenty of twists and turns since its inception, including some major shakeup behind the scenes. While Zack Snyder kickstarted the shared universe with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, that franchise will end with Aquaman 2, as new CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran are crafting a brand new shared universe. And Snyder recently revealed what he told Gunn after finding out the Suicide Squad director was taking over DC.
Snyder’s work on the DCEU ended with Justice League, although he’d expand that project with the much longer Snyder Cut. Fans are eager to see what Gunn has up his sleeve with upcoming DC movies, as the new shared universe will begin with Superman: Legacy. Snyder recently spoke with THR about his reaction to this change of leadership, saying:
I called him and said I wish all the best for him. I told him I wanted it to work.
Talk about a class act. While it would be understandable if Zack Snyder had some sore feelings about the DC Extended Universe coming to an end, that doesn’t appear to be the case. Instead, he seems to really wish James Gunn the best in his new role, and in the forming of a brand spankin’ new DC universe.
More to come…