Video Premiere: Tumbleweed Dealer – “Dark Green”


Tumbleweed Dealer

Photo courtesy of Tumbleweed Dealer

Hailing from Montreal, cannabis-friendly band Tumbleweed Dealer just announced preorders for their fourth record, Dark Greenout February 7. You can check out the title track with us first.

The epic song is a good indication of what the rest of the record holds, which is plenty of blues, psychedelia, and prog rock.

The band say:

“The title track of the album, ‘Dark Green,’ represents the duality of the title. The first half is like moss covered post-rock while the second is a bleaker voyage with twists and turns and unexpected plot twists that re-contextualizes everything you’ve heard up until that point. Between the vintage keys, double bass drums and saxophone solo, we touch upon the different influences in our sound, both modern and retro, while filtering it all through our unique melodic pallet. 

“It’s a great introductory point for the album, and its quest to marry opposing musical forces to evoke surreal feelings within the listener. ‘Dark Green’ is the pent up hatred of the forest, thickets, and swamps towards mankind, but it is also the loss of individuality most of us feel deep within ourselves when something shakes us to our very core. 

“What if you were not a man, but more a plant that thinks it’s human? A ghost dressed in weeds? What would you feel then? How would you, or even could you, go on? This is the essence we tried to capture in musical form.

“As Alan Moore states from Swamp Thing, Vol. 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing, You have waged bitter and undeclared war upon the green, gutting the rain forests, mile after mile, day after day, but know this: the war has come home! It is man’s turn to embrace the scythe.

“Maybe the world has run out of room for monsters … or maybe … they’re just getting harder to recognize.” 

Preorder the record here.

Originally Posted Here

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