Check out this new video from Trounce, “The Crippled Saint,” from their forthcoming album, The Seven Crowns, out October 20.
Project mastermind Jona Nido says: “This track has its own special vibe, bringing together elements that I was never able to put together in other bands. It’s basically a long mid-pace and meditative blastbeats with super melodic guitar arpeggios. The guitar kind of floats over the drums, and the contrast between both instruments gives the song this very intense yet very dramatic feel. Renaud’s vocals really come (out) unexpected(ly), and they give an extra touch of catchiness.”
The album will be released as one piece of work including 11 songs recorded in the studio as well as 11 more from recorded live at Roadburn Festival. Both versions offer some unique tracks as well as some alternative versions of the same songs. The album showcases the band’s expansive live sound as well as their dialed-in but slightly unhinged black metal vibes.
Concerts in Switzerland:
06.10 – Saint-Gall (CH) – Palace
07.10 – Nyon (CH) – Usine à Gaz
28.10 – Fribourg (CH) – Fri-son [Hummus Fest]
03.11 – Zürich (CH) – Rote Fabrik
04.11 – Neuchâtel (CH) – Case à Chocs
18.11 – Bâle (CH) – Sommercasino [Hummus Fest]
02.12 – Genève (CH) – Groove
16.12 – Monthey (CH) – Pont Rouge – [Hummus Fest]