The Traitors Has Lost Its Lustre in Low-Stakes Season 3

The Traitors Has Lost Its Lustre in Low-Stakes Season 3


The Traitors popped up out of nowhere and captured my attention because it featured a melting pot of talent from various reality TV series. 

When The Traitors Season 2 premiered in 2024, it towered above the first in unimaginable ways. 

That was down to the brilliant cast, who were unafraid to go against the grain and throw different names up for who should be banished. 


After such a solid sophomore season, the only way for The Traitors Season 3 was down, but I didn’t expect it to fall this much. 

The Traitors Season 3 Episode 5 was a bizarre installment that confirmed my suspicions that the season has already become stale, even though it still has well over a month to go. 

Did Phaedra Parks Ruin The Traitors?


In some respects, I can’t shake this feeling that Phaedra Parks’ resounding performance on the show last season set up The Real Housewives for disaster from that point onward. 

The boot order has been awful, with The Traitors murdering The Real Housewives of New York alum Dorinda Medley and The Real Housewives of Dubai’s Chanel Ayan early on, long before they could showcase what they could bring to the round tables. 

Dorinda gets mean-spirited when her name is called out, so it would have been fascinating to see how she handled it when someone pointed the finger at her. 

Would she scale back her personality to save her game, or would she fire back with venom? These are the questions I ask myself in the middle of the night because we were robbed. 


Chanel brought high fashion and clever one-liners, and, quite frankly, I had the same expletive-filled reaction to her murder as she did when she realized her time in the game was over. 

The icing on the cake was The Real Housewives of Potomac’s Robyn Dixon becoming the fourth person to be murdered.

While Robyn was never very smart in terms of her theories about who was a traitor, her performance was astounding as she tried to make everyone else feed her delusions. 

Had Phaedra not had a perfect social game last season, then I’m sure all of the eliminated Real Housewives would still be competing for a chance at winning the prize. 

The Traitors Are Laughably Bad At This Game


The traitors are also, far and away, the worst bunch we’ve had.

They’re far too messy for this type of game, and I wouldn’t be shocked if Danielle Reyes, Boston Rob, and Carolyn Wiger were the next three to be banished. 

Danielle is one of my favorite Big Brother alums and was playing the game well … until she pretty much revealed she wasn’t worried about being murdered by not securing safety for herself. 

While that was bad enough, her methodology that she had to get Caroline out so she could reel in someone else as a traitor to help her take Boston Rob out isn’t grounded in reality. 

Had Danielle been more trusting of Carolyn, they could have overpowered any of Boston Rob’s decisions in the turret because they had the numbers.

(Euan Cherry/Peacock)

All they had to do was work together to stay under the radar, and Boston Rob would have been ripe for the picking at the next round table. 

Now that Caroline knows Danielle is gunning for her, it will add an unpredictable layer to the game, but it’s glaringly apparent that those three are not cut out to be traitors. 

Making Boston Rob a traitor is a massive misfire from production because, after his dominance on Survivor and Deal or No Deal Island, it would have been far more intriguing to see how he navigated being a faithful with everyone sure he was a traitor. 

As we head into the back half of the season, it’s hard to be excited about the future because the current traitors won’t be in the game for much longer. 

(Euan Cherry/Peacock)

The way they’re playing, they all deserve to be banished, and the drama should shift with a new crop of traitors showing up to steer the show back in the right direction. 

What are your thoughts, The Traitors fanatics?

Do you think the hit Peacock series has sprung a leak and needs to be brought back to its former glory?

Chat with me in the comments section. 

Watch The traitors Online

Originally Posted Here

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