The Rookie Round Table: Chenford Challenges


Chenford experienced some challenges while Lucy went undercover on The Rookie Season 5 Episode 21.

Our TV Fanatics, Jasmine, Denis, and Christine, are to debate Tim’s reaction, if Frank should return, Thorsen’s future, and what they hope to see during the upcoming season finale.

Also, did Celina’s upcoming date have you happy or worried? See what our round table team has to say…

Lucy shut down the undercover operation, but do you think Frank will be back in touch? Would you like to see him return?

Jasmine: I definitely think Frank will be back. Otherwise, I don’t see the point of introducing him and him and Lucy connecting only to end the op abruptly.

The Rookie loves to bring back people, and with Rosalind gone and Elijah down, etc., they’ll need to have some new people to step in for a rotation.

Denis: I didn’t think about it, but now that it has been brought up, I see it happening. As Jasmine said, The Rookie is notorious for reinventing their old characters.

Christine: I would like to see Frank return. His and Lucy’s relationship was more interesting than I expected. Almost paternal, and I’m curious to see where that goes if Frank returns and if he learns that Lucy is actually a cop.

Was Lucy right to call Tim out on constantly comparing her being undercover to Isabel being undercover?

Jasmine: She was. Lucy is not Isabel, and while Tim knows that, he’s still holding onto a lot of that and treating her like their situations will be the same.

Denis: She was neither wrong nor right. Each one comes from a different place, but they each have a point. Maybe there are some things Isabel did that made her undercover turn out the way it did, and Lucy will never do such things.

Or maybe that’s just how it is. Tim might be seeing the same signs again, especially with the shutting down post-undercover.

Christine: She was right to call him out, but I feel for them both.

Lucy isn’t a copy of Isabel, so she’ll deal with undercover work in her own way.

But Tim has experience with a loved one in this situation where it went horribly wrong. He can’t be expected to forget that, but he needs to put it into some sort of perspective so it doesn’t affect his and Lucy’s relationship.

Celina has a date! Did this make you think about Lucy going out with Caleb, who buried her alive in a barrel after their first date?

Jasmine: I was paranoid the entire time. He seems sweet enough, but you never really know. It definitely brought that Caleb situation back up for me.

Denis: I thought it was cute, especially since Nolan set them up. Ben Levin generally plays the good guy, so I don’t share the same concerns.

Christine: Oh yeah. Caleb was the first person I thought of when the cute guy showed interest in Celina. The Rookie has made me paranoid!

Does Aaron have the makings of a good detective? Should he continue being paired with Angela?

Jasmine: Aaron cracked me up the whole episode, and he’s a natural! I am absolutely loving his dynamic with Angela, and it’s like she has her own little protégé.

I haven’t yet found a dynamic with Aaron that hasn’t entertained me, but he and Angela are definitely a fave.

Denis: I’m not invested enough in character to make a good assessment. I didn’t even remember his first name was Aaron.

Christine: Yes, and yes! I’ve loved Aaron with everyone he’s been paired with, but I do wonder if he becomes a detective who will be left on patrol.

This was billed as a crossover event with The Rookie: Feds. After watching, did you consider The Rookie half part of a crossover?

Jasmine: No. But I’ve found that ABC series have a very loose interpretation of the word “crossover.” I know they’re trying to get people to watch both series, but it feels like it backfires because it’s annoying when it doesn’t live up to the word or the hype.

Denis: I’m becoming less convinced that the shows have the same creator with every passing “crossover.” Maybe someone should throw a dictionary in their direction.

Christine: Enough with billing everything as a crossover! Having Simone on The Rookie for 90 seconds does not constitute a crossover episode.

The Rookie really needs to watch the three FBI shows to know how to properly do a crossover that’s worth watching.

What do you hope to see during the upcoming The Rookie season 5 finale?

Jasmine: I cannot believe it’s finale time. Where did the season go? I don’t even have a list. Interestingly, I’m not expecting a Nolan and Bailey wedding now that September has been floated.

The promo looks incredibly intense, so I’m expecting lots of action, Tim and Metro kicking butt, and getting close to killing off someone but not following through with it. Maybe Angela goes into labor too.

Denis: It will be nerve-wracking to see the unit being targeted! I expect that to be balanced out by the wedding and Angela delivering safely.

Christine: Oh boy! That promo really got the heart pumping. First, I hope no one actually dies. Given that they killed the Captain off in The Rookie Season 1, we know that anything is possible, but I really hope they don’t go that way.

Second, I hope Angela has a healthy, happy baby and everyone is well without Elijah trying to kill them all in the process.

What disappointed you the most in this installment?

Jasmine: Hmm. I mostly found Lucy’s cover boring and not too much of a stray from who she already is. I also didn’t like how the case just ended and that they made it seem like it could take a long time, but it was only a week.

Denis: I remember thinking that there was too much talking. Lucy’s undercover was disappointing, the Angela-Thorsen thing wasn’t my favorite, and the “crossover” was not it. This might honestly be the worst episode of the season.

Christine: I wasn’t disappointed in much. It was nice to see Lucy going undercover as a more normal person. Not every UC can be over the top, as much fun as that is.

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline in this episode?

Jasmine: I loved that Chenford’s phone calls with each other felt like their equivalent of writing love letters.

Nolan being such a dad to Celina, is always cute. And it’s great to see her so happy and unburdened now that she has closure. And Aaron was a hoot. Grey catching him and Wesley catching Angela added to the amusement.

Denis: I loved when Frank opened up to Lucy. It was great to see him humbled by life. I’m not a fan of throwing people in prison for every crime, but it made me understand why that needs to happen to some people.

Christine: I loved Lucy and Tim staying in touch while she was undercover.

Everyone on the team seems to realize that Tim and Lucy’s relationship can be a challenge when she’s undercover, but they’re all supportive of it, which is a nice change of pace from most shows.

But there was a lot to love in this installment. There really wasn’t anything that I disliked.

So what do you think, TV Fanatics? Did you love this episode, or was it disappointing? And what are you hoping to see during the season finale?

Hit that SHOW COMMENTS BUTTON below to tell us your thoughts, then check out Jasmine’s The Rookie Season 5 Episode 21 review.

And you can watch The Rookie online here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

Originally Posted Here

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