Replicant Summon Ghosts of Death Metal Past, Present and Future on “Chassis of Deceit”


I like death metal in all its many forms. I especially like when bands mix and match styles from across the death metal spectrum, I like death metal that’s a challenging listen, and I like bands are able to do that AND give a listener something catchy (be it riff-wise, vocally or other) to sink their teeth into.

Replicant manage to do all of that. Other than your stereotypical deathcore kid who just got into metal, there’s something on their latest single, “Chassis of Deceit,” for all fans of death metal to enjoy. Technicality, groove, hooks, melody, grit, a creeping sense of unease… Replicant manage to do it all while forging a sound that’s completely their own. And I’d like to imagine that even a deathcore kid or two will have his mind blown for the better by the band’s latest entry.

Replicant’s new album, Malignant Reality, comes out on September 10 via Transcending Obscurity; pre-order here.

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