Marilyn Manson Will Turn Himself Into Authorities for Spitting on a Videographer


Marilyn Manson (né Brian Warner) has agreed to turn himself into authorities to face two misdemeanor assault charges, CNN reports.

The charges stem not from the deluge of recent allegations that the shock rocker abused multiple women, but from an August 2019 show at the Bank of NH Pavilion in Gilford, NH, during which Manson allegedly spit on a videographer. The videographer had been “subcontracted by a New Hampshire based company” to record the concert.

Manson will turn himself into the Los Angeles Police Department per an arrangement between New Hampshire officials and Manson’s attorney — but Gilford Police Chief Anthony Bean Burpee tells CNN that “it’s unclear when that will take place.”

If convicted, Manson faces up to a year in prison and fine of $2,000.

In May, after the arrest warrant for the singer was initially issued, his attorney, Howard King, denied the charges:

“It is no secret to anyone who has attended a Marilyn Manson concert that he likes to be provocative on stage, especially in front of a camera. This misdemeanor claim was pursued after we received a demand from a venue videographer for more than $35,000 after a small amount of spit came into contact with their arm. After we asked for evidence of any alleged damages, we never received a reply. This whole claim is ludicrous, but we remain committed to cooperating with authorities, as we have done throughout.”

According to The PRP, Gilford Deputy police Chief Kristian Kelley of Gilford has fired back in a new statement:

“The victim reported the alleged crime to us the day after she had been assaulted, which is contrary to a statement [Manson’s] LA-based attorney made regarding the fact the victim had been looking for a $30k payout and when turned down proceeded with filing a police report. That is emphatically false.”

More information as it becomes available. In the meantime, you can view of the incident below.

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