DC-area death metal band CrusHuman know how to keep themselves busy; quickly forming after the dissolution of the members’ last band, Snipers of Babel (who released their first and only album in 2022), CrusHuman released their debut album in 2024 and now they’re back with Besides, their cleverly-named new album.
“These are some B-side songs that were left over from the self titled debut recording sessions and we feel are just too good to be stuck on a hard drive,” says guitarist Mike Bossier. “Something to hold you over until more violent and disturbing music from our second full-length on HPGD this fall!”
CrusHuman keep things pretty meat and potatoes, thriving on the simplicity of raw, straightforward death metal with flecks of hardcore influence. If you’re a fan of Obituary, ’90s Napalm Death or Sopranos samples, give it a spin and pre-order it via the Bandcamp link below.