Foo Fighters Drummer Taylor Hawkins Dead at 50


Sad news tonight, as Taylor Hawkins, drummer for the Foo Fighters, has died. He was 50 years old.

The Foo Fighters posted the following statement to their Facebook:

The Foo Fighters family is devastated by the tragic and untimely loss of our beloved Taylor Hawkins. His musical spirit and infectious laughter will live on with all of us forever. Our hearts go out to his wife, children and family, and we ask that their privacy be treated with the utmost respect in this unimaginably difficult time.

A cause of death has not been revealed, but according to Rolling Stone, the band are currently on tour in South America, and were scheduled to play a show in Bogota, Colombia, tonight. The show apparently did not happen.

According to UK’s Mirror, Hawkins was found in a hotel room in Bogota. The band apparently won’t be performing at Festival Estéreo Picnic either due to their loss.

This is hard to believe. Hawkins was one of the most popular and iconic members of the Foo Fighters. He was prominently featured in the band’s new film Studio 666, and in 2019 released a solo album. Many consider him the second-in-command to Dave Grohl, and certainly the second-most identifiable member in the group; a joke made in Studio 666 that is commonly accepted is that he and Dave had a strong bond because they’re both drummers.

Everyone at MetalSucks sends their heart out to Taylors family, friends, bandmates and collaborators during this difficult time.

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