Chris McMahon Found Out He Was Fired from Thy Art Is Murder Through Social Media


In a turn of events that could really only happen in today’s ridiculously social media obsessed society, it turns out Thy Art Is Murder didn’t just fire ex-vocalist Chris McMahon and replace his vocals on the album they just released today, Godlike. No. They also let him find out he was headed for the unemployment line the same way we all did — through their statement on social media.

Well, as expected, that’s not sitting well with McMahon. Moments ago, the ousted anti-trans comment spewing vocalist made a post on Instagram (I thought he quit socials?) saying he only found out just then.

“I just woke up and saw the news. Yes this is how I found out. And yes it’s not the whole story. I’ll be going live tomorrow at 5pm Sydney Australia time.

“Burn everyone to death.”

That list bit there was a super fucking classy nod to the comment that the band said was the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” The cliff notes version is that McMahon reposted some anti-trans content by far-right provocateur Matt Walsh and then commented that the supportive mother in the post “be burned to death” after being okay with her child saying they were the opposite sex.

That led to him getting his comments taken down by Instagram, which led to him throwing a bitch fit, which led to the band weakly coming out in support of the trans community, which led to McMahon posting an apology of sorts, which led to all this that happened today. It’s a pretty simple through line to follow.

Earlier today, the band announced that McMahon was out of the band and that they’d removed his parts in the new album and had a new vocalist recorded his parts. Which just has to sting a bit. In their statement, they said this was a long time coming and that McMahon allegedly threatened to blow up the band if they didn’t support his extreme rhetoric.

This shit ain’t over by a long shot. We’ll have to follow up on McMahon’s Instagram live post, which will take place at about 3 a.m. EST, but it’s sure to be a thing…

Originally Posted Here

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