
Breaking news from Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest headliners Autopsy regarding their December 6 headlining performance at Summit in Denver: “Hello Autopsy Freaks, Decibel Devourers and Death Metal Fiends! Figured we’d brace you for Friday night’s [December 6] Autopsy set at the Decibel Metal & Beer Fest in Denver, CO. as it will have
Decibel is happy to present a new video from the UK-based black metal band, Vosforis. Vosforis plays a grand and forceful variant of black metal akin to latter-era Satyricon, with faint echoes of some of the more recent output from bands like Necrophobic, Nordjevel, and God Dethroned. It’s a sound that’s captivating and destructive in equal measure,
Greetings, Decibel readers! I can’t believe it’s December already. It’s already time for the last standard edition of this column for the year! For the next couple weeks I’ll be doing my annual takeover in which I rattle off my favorite death metal and black metal albums of 2024. But in the meantime, there’s still
If Rush were from Oregon and predisposed toward a belief in Eastern concepts of reincarnation and other metaphysical topics that many an Oregonian has pondered (while no doubt under the influence of psychedelics), they’d probably sound a whole lot like Portland trio Light Creates Shadow, on their new single, “Beauty For Ashes.” Which is to say,
Where they from?Chavronay, Switzerland. It is now December, which means the holiday onslaught is now upon us. How was your Thanksgiving? The highlight of mine was when my three-year-old nephew opened the door on my Dad while he was pooping. Everyone was horrified except for me and him. I guess we have the same maturity
Swedish death dealers Ghoulhouse are one of prolific multi-instrumentalist Rogga Johansson’s (Paganizer, Ribspreader, et al.) many projects, which gives you a pretty good idea of how Fresh Out of Flesh, the trio’s new album, sounds. The 12-track ripper doesn’t offer much in the way of surprises—the HM-2 is cranked to 11 as Ghoulhouse tear through 11 crusty,
Great Content, the debut album from Toronto-based tech-metal outfit Mirror Neuron, is an explosion of influences from across the extreme metal spectrum. In the press release, the band members describe their sound as taking influence from Between the Buried and Me, Krallice, His Hero is Gone and Anata, which is a pretty apt description. Technically, Great Content is
If you’re in need of a crusty anthem to get you through the awkward holidays, look no further than Gasmiasma‘s “At War With Punk,” the title track of their forthcoming record, out January 17 via 783label. Check it out below. Made up of current or past members of Eyehategod, Crowbar, Hellgasm, Hellknotroll, Goatwhore, Saint Vitus,
Canadian stoner rockers SweetBeast are stoked to share “Dream Eater,” a track from their forthcoming record Illusions, out this February. Hear it with us first. “This track holds a special place in our hearts, as it has been with us on our journey since the inception of SweetBeast in 2018,” the band say. “’Dream Eater’ explores the
Decibel is proud to present a new emanation from the Ordo Vampyr Orientis, known for mysterious acts such as Bat Magic, Bad Manor and Beastial Majesty. Today’s bloody devilry comes courtesy of Beneath Moonlight. “None Before God” comes from the group’s upcoming self-titled release, due out on December 20 via Debemur Morti Productions. Fans of cold,