Can The Rookie Explain to Me Like I’m In Kindergarten How Bailey is Mad at Nolan?

Can The Rookie Explain to Me Like I’m In Kindergarten How Bailey is Mad at Nolan?


Unlike most of The Rookie‘s fandom, I genuinely try not to hate Bailey Nunes just for the hell of it.

She has some positive traits and attributes, and she’s not a bad person, per se. If anything, she’s just an annoying character.

But The Rookie rarely does her any favors when they give her some frustrating storylines, and she behaves poorly.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

Focusing on Jason and Bailey Was a Misstep

Unfortunately, a large arc NO ONE asked for revolved around Bailey and her ex-husband in the wind to destroy or even kill her.

It was The Rookie Season 6 finale‘s biggest cliffhanger, as Jason and Oscar broke out of prison and were on a warpath with Jason deadset on hunting Bailey down in retribution.

Jason wasn’t The Rookie’s biggest, gnarliest, or most compelling villain on the series, so it was already a strike that he’d operate so much space in The Rookie Season 7‘s storyline.

On top of that, the biggest threat he posed was to Bailey, and in the long list of characters that could’ve had a strong multi-episode arc, it’s safe to say that Bailey wasn’t anyone’s first draft pick.

(Disney/Carlos Lopez-Calleja)

The Rookie Failed to Capitalize Off Its Cliffhanger Most of the Season

Most likely, The Rookie thought connecting this storyline to Nolan would be worthwhile, but the season doesn’t capitalize off its big cliffhanger.

We didn’t even see it come to fruition until The Rookie Season 7 Episode 5, when we saw the bulk of Bailey colluding with Malvado, leading to Jason’s death.

Five episodes into the season, it was hard to care anymore about Jason and Bailey, and it was already annoying that Nolan had resorted to some idiotic behavior to save his wife, who didn’t want him to white knight it in the first place.

The entire storyline has fallen apart and served as more of a contrived nuisance than anything meaningful.

If anything, we could’ve spent our time on many other stories, including getting to the bottom of whether or not Seth is shady. Instead, we’ve devoted time to resolving this story arc with Bailey and Jason. It didn’t serve the character well.

Bailey Stands her Ground  - The Rookie Season 4 Episode 10Bailey Stands her Ground  - The Rookie Season 4 Episode 10
(ABC/Raymond Liu)

The Series Undermines The Domestic Violence Storyline

It also hasn’t done the subject matter justice either, as what should have been a meaningful, powerful arc about domestic violence has enough of a slapstick edge to take some of the severity and danger out of a serious topic that ails many.

Sandwiching Bailey’s domestic violence arc between other more pressing storylines ranging from action-packed to humorous doesn’t do the subject matter justice.

Meanwhile, the storyline does more to spotlight some of Nolan and Bailey’s worst flaws and most annoying qualities, leaving viewers more underwhelmed than moved by any of it.

What we get is this storyline that plays into the same tired trope of The Rookie Barbie: Bailey Badass simultaneously doing the dumbest things imaginable while appearing like an unstoppable force of nature in the process.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

A potentially compelling avenue of exploring what domestic violence survivors endure somehow turns into some plot out of a half-baked action movie that results in Bailey colluding with a hired hitman to take her ex-husband out.

Maybe if she was on her own and not married to a police officer, the storyline would land better.

Bailey’s Actions are Ridiculous

Bailey had ample opportunities while she was arranging things with Malvado to contact the police and have them arrest this fugitive and take things from there.

What are the odds that a violent criminal who escaped prison once by sheer luck and absurdity would have gotten the chance to do it again?

Instead of informing her husband and allowing the police to do their jobs, she baits Jason and sends Malvado after him, resulting in an execution right in front of the cops.

Jason faces his fate on The Rookie.Jason faces his fate on The Rookie.
(Disney/Carlos Lopez-Calleja)

Then Bailey acted as if nothing happened but stupidly left the burner phone she used to contact the assassin in her pocket.

Its contriving nature is annoying, and the storyline doesn’t lead to an interesting scenario where Nolan faces an ethical quandary after his wife assists in a murderer.

In this scenario, they set up a perfect situation where Nolan faces a moral crisis and has to decide what his line is as an officer of the law and a husband.

Even with his rogue, impulsive, reckless moments, The Rookie often portrays him as some boy scout, and his wife just did the unthinkable.

But somehow, The Rookie Season 7 Episode 6 doesn’t give us this. Instead, we got a situation where Bailey lambasted Nolan for not being supportive or understanding her stance and sympathizing with her.

I’m sorry, what?!

The Season Squanders Ethical Quandaries By Somehow Absolving Bailey

Bailey and Nolan are at odds on The Rookie.Bailey and Nolan are at odds on The Rookie.
(Disney/Mike Taing)

And if there was any question whether the series intends to go with this, the promo for the next installment has Bradford urging Nolan not to make a mistake with his wife and fight for her.

Are we supposed to overlook that Bailey worked with a hitman to execute two murders? Jason and his blond girlfriend’s blood is on Bailey’s hands.

How has a scenario where Bailey flagrantly commits a felony and then gets upset at her law-upholding husband for calling her out become something where Nolan has to prove his love, loyalty, and worth to her?

Why is The Rookie treating this like a regular dispute between a married couple that can be resolved with a box of chocolates and a grand gesture?

Wedding Day Arrives - Tall - The Rookie Season 6 Episode 2Wedding Day Arrives - Tall - The Rookie Season 6 Episode 2
(Disney/Raymond Liu (ABC))

Nolan didn’t forget to take the garbage out, and he’s not forgiving Bailey or letting her off the hook for missing his birthday.

Bailey didn’t stay out too late one night, and she’s not angry at him for missing date night.

Why is the Rookie validating Bailey’s anger while excusing and downplaying her actions? And how has Nolan paid the price and is facing some gaslighting?

Over to you, Rookie Fanatics.

How are you feeling about yet another Bailey problem? Are you as confused as I am by this? Hit the comments.

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Originally Posted Here

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