Acacia Strain Band Members Announce New Band Grime Reaper |


As if The Acacia Strain weren’t already doing the most, Devin Shidaker and Matt Guglielmo of the band just announced a new project, Grime Reaper.

This band is a passion project of the two of them, with Shidaker on vocals, guitar, and bass, and Guglielmo, also of End, on drums and production.

And the boys have wasted no time. They already have a single, “Universal Exsanguination,” which you can stream below, and they already have some sick merch for sale.

We can tell already from the absolute pummler that is “Universal Exsanguination” that this is going to have all the fire and fury of The Acacia Strain with even more brutality. There’s some more death metal flavor, and we’re not mad about it. And the logo and artwork is nothing to shake a stick at, either.

We can only assume this also means there will be something more in the future—an EP or full album, maybe some touring, and we’re stoked to see what they have in store.

Originally Posted Here

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