Philadelphia’s own old-school death/thrashers Spesimin are back with a brand spankin’ new EP full of ghoulish twists and turns sure to make any scuz rocker happy. The new EP entitled Skull Worship features five brand new songs from the malicious trio and simultaneous to it’s release the band is releasing a self-titled compilation of their three previous demo releases all packaged together with some delightfully gruesome artwork. Physical copies of Skull Worship will be available through Frozen Screams imprint and the compilation will be available online through the band’s Bandcamp.
The band has been gracious enough to grant Decibel with an exclusive stream of the brand new EP. If these catchy and carnivorous tunes strike your fancy then consider checking out the band’s record release show this Friday in Philly at The Sanctuary with fellow Philly bruisers Zorn, Concrete Caveman and Bone Weapon!