Track-by-Track: Athena XIX – “Everflow Part I: Frames of Humanity”


Athena XIX

Jazzy, technical, thrash crossover monsters Athena XIX are releasing their album Everflow Part I: Frames of Humanity on December 6 via Reigning Phoenix Music. You can stream a few of the songs from the release here and check out their breakdown of the upcoming tracks.

1. Frames of Humanity 

The album begins with the departure of the space ships-servers containing the digitalized consciences of that selected part of humanity considered essential for the future.

This song depicts the decadence and decline of the last moments of humanity from the point of view of those left behind to face certain death in a devastated world.

This is the last frame and the last shade of insanity of human history.

2. Legacy of the World

This song goes back to the beginning of our story.

Human decadence and ruin have their root in the disinterestedness and superficiality of humans themselves.

Mankind is blind to its own decline: Lost in a virtual life in a virtual world, people can’t see Earth is dying because of human activities.

There will be no future for humanity; in fact humanity conducted itself to its own extinction, through the choices made by a corrupted elite, which used all its power to manipulate the thoughts of the masses and make them blind towards the gravity of the situation.

Only reaching the awareness of the whole population can make a change in history possible, the only hope to save Earth and human civilization.

Time is running out and the point of no turning back gets closer.

3. The Day We Obscured the Sun

To obtain nuclear energy directly from the sun, the best scientists in the world, financed by the governments of every country, conduct an experiment using dark matter which, despite its success, creates a destabilizing anomaly inside the sun’s nucleus, causing the birth of a black hole at the very center of it.

Consequences for Earth are devastating: A sudden and violent climate change brings chaos and destruction, followed by disorders and mass riots in all the world.

The sun is obscured  by clouds for many years to come; rain falls relentlessly upon a world flagellated by extremely violent storms; oceans and seas rise submerging a good part of the land.

Many animals and human beings die, while survivors will be decimated during the following world war, a war that makes Earth inhospitable and brings humanity as close as a footstep from extinction.

This moment is seen as the perfect one from the elite to establish a new world order ruled by a  single central world governement together with a global religion that will take control and shape  the lives of the entire population.

4. The Seed 

Hate is something deeply embed in human kind, and it shows itself in multiple forms, making us blind and dividing us.

We can’t defend ourselves from hate by building a protective fence for our mind and body, on the contrary, our will to isolate ourselves from the others it’s the perfect terrain for the seed of hate to grow.

In this context, a new drug spreads across all social classes with an enormous impact on human life , society, and civilization.

This drug, combined with the usage of neural implants, allows the users to vividly experience in first person moments of life recorded from other individuals.

The possibility of living multiple lives causes people to abandon their real life and world; it breaks every interpersonal tie and destroys the concept of community. 

Essential to the global governement’s propaganda is the global religion’s leader, a person responsible of sexual-oriented murders and terrible unforgivable crimes, that uses his mediatic power to ensure people’s addiction and enslavement to the drug.

5. I Wish

This song depicts the desperation of those forgot by society and left behind to die hopelessly in a wasted world.

Thinking back to the events of their own existence, they understand their mistakes and finally meet the demons secretly hidden inside all of us.

Searching for a reason to accept their fate, they walk through a path leading them to tear down the wall they built to protect their conscience from the truth.

Some people think of committing suicide as a way to escape a much worse fate; others still try to find a way to get to the next day, all knowing nothing can change the course of events.

6. The Calm Before the Storm 

In this song, we speak about the repeating of specific cycles in human history.

Human history is made of events and situations that tend to follow the same pattern: a small group of individuals has total control over resources and finance and enslave people, personal identity is suppressed by rules and codes created to synchronize the thought of the masses with the philosophy of the elite.

The majority of the population is seen as labour force at low cost and is enslaved through the taxation of every aspect of life. 

Disinformation and propaganda keep people divided, making easier for the elite to control them.

Freedom of thought is eradicated throught brainwashing operated by media, and human beings are considered as mere numbers.

This momentum evolves in a period of extreme social turbulence that leads to mass riots and civil wars.

Negotiations after the civil war determine a redistribution of power and wealth. 

It’s a period of peace and prosperity, which slowly leads to decadence and corruption.

This will bring power back to the elite and another cycle will begin.

The calm before the storm represents the apex of the suppression of the masses by the establishment.

7. What You Most Desire 

In this song we dive deeper in the details of our story: The main character is a high level pusher who sells to his high rank world order clients what they most desire, whatever this is.       

The most powerful drug he can deliver allows the owners of neural implants to live the experiences of other persons in a very vivid way.   

The addiction to this drug makes the consumers lose interest in their own life, lost in a virtual world  in which they constantly live the life of others.   

When the effect of the drug vanishes, the addicts can only feel a sense of emptiness and desperation, caused by the awareness that time passes and never goes back and that every decision taken and not taken in their life will haunt them until the end. 

The only way to get over that feeling is to fall again in the arms of the drug.

8. The Conscience of Everything 

The main character is the only person the leader of the global religion trusts.

The religious leader is the only obstacle left to the success of project “EVERFLOW.”  

The leaders of the world governement decide to seal a deal with the main character: Using the trust gained, he will have to kill the religious leader. In exchange they will grant him his access to “EVERFLOW.”

Because the religious leader not only is addicted to the drug, but he is also a serial killer of young women (young escorts the main character brings him personally to his secret sessions), the pusher plans to tamper with the neural implant of the young escort to remove the safety which would break the neural transmission in case the content transmitted included the death of the recording person. 

The religious leader has the habit of recording the combination of his own experience with the feelings of his designated victim, during his secret sessions, through the direct connection between his neural interface and the interface of his victim.

Removing the safety from the escort’s neural interface will cause the religious leader’s death by his own hands: Killing the young escort he will kill himself. 

This is the last step for the pusher to gain access to “EVERFLOW,” the promise of an infinite loop of lives with no memory of the past.

9. Where Innocence Disappears 

Once his mission to kill the leader of the global religion is accomplished, the main character is facing a sense of regret for the first time in his life.

Finally he realizes the path he has chosen for his life had brought him to commit unforgivable crimes for its own personal benefit.

The image of the young escort dying without knowing the reason of her death hunts the main character. 

The only relief is knowing his conscence will lose all memories and, once digitalized and transferred, it will live an endless loop of lives.  

10. Idle Mind 

This song is about the consequences of human civilization on the planet, the environment, and life itself. 

Once again we speak about the aftermath of the experiment conducted to obtain nuclear energy straight from the sun, which almost wiped out all life on Earth and brought humanity close to extinction.

The new society lives in a cold and hostile planet Earth, under a constant acid and radioactive rain, living a life in slavery masked as democracy by the propaganda of a corrupted elite that had always ruled the human society and shaped its history according to secret plans.

11. Synchrolife

During his last hours before the surgery that will allow the digitalization and transfer of his conscience, the main character meditates on the impact of “EVERFLOW” on humanity.

While getting psichologically ready for the operation, he comprehends the future of humanity will be flowing in streams of quantic disarray, humans will abandon their biological form and cease to exist in this dimension.

Once he reaches the awareness of the consequences of humanity on Earth, he gets to the conclusion that in the end human extinction is a good thing for the universe, because humanity is the root of the evil.

Finally his conscience is digitalized and the main character begins to live his infinite cycle of lives. 

12. Inception

The main character is living his life, but he starts noticing anomalies that make him doubt the reality of his existence.

What if of his emotions, his experiences, even death itself are only a simulation, a realistic lysergic dream, a kind of mental condition, a sort of psychosis?

The reality, as we know, is that he is living in a virtual matrix together with the consciences of those considered essential to humanity, with no memory of the past.

This matrix-world’s digital code contains unwanted bugs.

These bugs are the cause of the anomalies in the perceived reality the main character is noticing.

13. The Departure

This instrumental track depicts the vision of the space ships-servers in the beginning of their endless travel adrift in the universe.

Preorder the album here. 

Originally Posted Here

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